rustandbone Developer

JavaScript_Eslint / Prettier

테킷 멋쟁이사자처럼 JavaScript

Eslint / Prettier

npm i -D prettier
npm init @eslint/config
  • Eslint는 오류 확인
  • prettier는 포맷팅
√ How would you like to use ESLint? · problems
√ What type of modules does your project use? · esm
√ Which framework does your project use? · none
√ Does your project use TypeScript? · No
√ Where does your code run? · browser, node
√ What format do you want your config file to be in? · JavaScript
Local ESLint installation not found.
The config that you've selected requires the following dependencies:

√ Would you like to install them now? · Yes
√ Which package manager do you want to use? · npm
  • 컨벤션 설정할 수 있음
  • 잘못된 컨벤션 사용 시 경고(경고 수준 조절 가능)


  • devDependencies
    • 단순 개발용이라면 -D 플래그 추가해서 devDependencies에 넣어주면 됨(예. eslint, prettier)
  • dependencies
    • 배포할 때 올라감


npm i -D live-server

실행은 npx 사용

npx live-server client
npx live-server client --host=localhost --port=5500 --no-browser

명령어 등록 후에는 npm으로 실행 가능

  • npm start
  "scripts": {
    "start": "live-server client --host=localhost --port=5500 --no-browser"